Tech advancements since the 20th century
Ever since the industrial revolution took place, the economic growth throughout the globe has been driven by the scientific understanding, application of the engineering solutions and the continuous technological innovation.
Presently in the country and the other nations that have industrialized have witnessed a rise in communication, transportation, health, agriculture, education, jobs, and defense. This is possible because of the investments into the education of engineers and scientists as well as in their researches.
The health, engineering and scientific products have made our lives very convenient.
The devices given to society by technology and science have their own share of drawbacks that have come into the society without being invited. For this, the application of the skills of the researchers was needed to come up with adequate solutions to take down many of such consequences of various innovations. For example, finding a replacement for the refrigerants that were based on the chlorofluorocarbons, finding insecticides that are safer in order to replace DDT, figuring out new waste treatment plans for minimizing the release of harmful chemical effluents from the chemical refineries and the coal power plants.
Most of you believe that technological products and services are ideally meant for freeing us from major chunks of labor work, infections, dangers to property and life which were faced mostly by our forefathers in the past.
The nature of work has changed due to the advancement in the fields of engineering and science. Similarly, the maintenance of the house today; thanks to labor-saving devices, leaves a lot of time at our hands that we can utilize outside your homes or use to do other tasks that can help you earn more income.
Here is a list of the engineering achievements since the twentieth century:
- Electricity: pulverized coal, large scale electric grids, steam turbine generators, and so on
- Automotive: fuel cells, assembly line, antilock brakes, machine tools, airbags, safety-glass windshield, balloon tires, and self-starting ignition
- Aeronautics: stressed-skin construction, aerodynamic wing, and fuselage design, jet propulsions, collision warning systems, metal alloys, and composite materials
- Electronics: molecular-beam epitaxy, semiconductors, microprocessors, integrated circuits, triodes, ceramic chip carriers, transistors, and so on
- The television and the radio: AM/FM, telecommunication satellites, videocassette recorders, alternators, superheterodyne circuits, cathode-ray tubes, high definition, and cable televisions
- Agriculture: global-positioning technology, power takeoff, hay balers, tractors, conservation tillage, diesel engines, spindle pickers, self-propelled irrigation systems, rubber tires, and corn-head attachments
- Computers: magnetic tape; minicomputers, personal computers, supercomputers, software, the mouse, electromechanical relays, stored programs, operating systems, programming languages, etc.
- Internet: e-mail, web browsers, networking services, the World Wide Web, packet-switching, transparent peering of networks, hypertext, IP, standard communication protocols, and so on
- Telephony: voice-over-Internet protocols, automated switchboards, cellular telephones, microwave signal transmission, dial calls, cordless telephones, touch-tone, optical-fiber signal transmission, loading coils, coaxial cables, signal amplifiers, switching technology, frequency multiplexing, digital systems, so on
- Highways: crash barriers, soil science, tar, concrete, bridges, signage, traffic lights, road location, drainage, grading, and traffic control
- Refrigeration and air conditioners: automatic temperature control, flash-freezing, humidity-control technology, frost-free cooling, refrigerant technology, roof-mounted cooling devices, centrifugal compressors, among others
- Appliances for households: electric irons, gas ranges, hot plates, vacuum cleaners, toasters, rotary fans, electric ranges, refrigerators, oven thermostats, sewing machines, microwave ovens, washing machines, and can openers