Snacks for High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is an essential substance the body needs to make blood cells. This substance is found in a person’s blood and when it gets too high, then a person’s chances for cardiovascular related ailments start to increase. The body can regulate cholesterol on its own, however, a person can eat too many foods rich in cholesterol and cause this substance to increase. The following foods can be consumed as snacks and can help to keep your cholesterol under control:
1. Nuts are an anti-cholesterol food with an impact
There are different kinds of cholesterol. One type is known as LDL, or low-density lipoprotein and is considered the “bad” cholesterol. It contributes to fatty build up in a person’s arteries and, in turn, causing a person’s arteries to constrict increasing their chances of experiencing a heart attack, stroke or some type of cardiovascular disease. Nuts can counteract the bad cholesterol because they have substances that lower LDL in the blood. They do this by providing the body with monounsaturated fat and can also prevent LDL from starting to form. Almonds and walnuts provide the best cholesterol protection. Other nuts such as peanuts, cashews, and pecans also make good snacks for lowering cholesterol.
2. Oatmeal is one of cholesterol’s greatest enemies
Oats are rich in fiber and have lots of nutrients. This food source is designed to remove toxins, waste, and other unwanted junk from the body. Oatmeal works effectively against cholesterol because it contains a soluble that soaks it up like a sponge which specifically eliminates LDL from the body. After it soaks it up, it prepares it to be removed as a waste material. This substance also helps your liver to make more bile, which is also a natural LDL cholesterol reducer within the body. They can also lower triglycerides which are dangerous to your health.
3. Beans are good for your heart and bad for cholesterol
LDL cholesterol can also be reduced by consuming beans. The beans could be lentils, black beans, red kidney beans, garbanzo beans, or great northern beans, the type of bean does not matter. What matters is that beans contain soluble fiber and protein. The soluble fiber absorbs and remove bad cholesterol from the body. This substance makes a great snack in the form of a nacho or burrito topping. You can also eat beans in low-sodium soups.
4. Vegetables are hard on cholesterol
Vegetables eliminate LDL by reducing the amount of the substance going into a person’s body. In other words, if a person eats more vegetables, their body is not taking in more of this substance. As a result, their overall LDL numbers start to decline. Veggies are among the best foods that a person can snack on to eliminate LDL from the body because they also promote HDL cholesterol.
5. Fruits are a powerful substance against LDL cholesterol
Fruits are another great snack that can automatically lower cholesterol levels. Fruits have fiber in them and they are low in calories. They don’t contain cholesterol or any other type of heart troubling ingredients. Bananas, oranges, apples, pineapples, berries, and pears are among the best fruits for lowering cholesterol and keeping LDL levels under control, along with cholesterol lowering drugs such as Repatha and Praluent. These healthy snacks will help to improve your health by keeping LDL and triglycerides from getting out of control.
Talk to your doctor today about simple lifestyle changes you can make to help lower your blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Also, ask about how certain medications can help, and inquire about repatha prescription savings and discount coupons today.