Safe Human Foods for Cats
Did you know that many of the foods that humans enjoy, cats enjoy too! However, human foods should only be given to cats in moderation to prevent feline obesity, joint issues, and diabetes. Instead, you can use certain safe human foods for cats as treats or small rewards. Cats can consume categories of human foods, including fruit and vegetables, grains, dairy, and meat. Let’s take a look at some of the safest and tasty human foods for cats:
1. Meats
Cats are carnivores by nature, making them natural lovers of meat. While lean meats (i.e., chicken breast, turkey, lamb, and beef) are safe to feed cats, it’s best if all meat is fully cooked to prevent bacteria that may be found in raw meats.. Another essential tip is to avoid any meat salt or seasonings. Cats have different systems and certain spices and herbs (i.e., onions, garlic, etc.) can be toxic foods for cats.
2. Cooked eggs
Eggs are generally safe to feed to cats, but please ensure they are fully cooked and not raw. Cooked egg yolk in particular provides great vitamins and minerals for cats, benefiting a shiny coat.
3. Apples
Apple pieces are a great source of vitamins A and C for kitty, plus these are packed with fiber to keep digestive and bowel movements regular. Just be sure to remove the apple core and seeds completely before feeding the apple to your cat.
4. Fish
Fully cooked fish, particularly fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, and herring, are great for cats. For one these fish offer plenty of essential fatty acids for energy, joint, bone, and teeth support. Plus, many vets recommend omega fatty supplements to keep a cat’s coat shiny and smooth, while preventing arthritis and inflammation. Just ensure fish is fully cooked and not spiced.
5. Blueberries
Blueberries are jam-packed with antioxidants and fiber, which can help defend your pet from cancer and prevent constipation.
6. Pumpkin
Fully cooked and pureed pumpkin is a great treat for cats. Many vets recommend adding pureed pumpkin to cat food if they are overweight. The fiber within is low calorie, but fills them up.