Lifestyle Management Tips for ADHD
Every one of us knows at least one person that struggles with ADHD. A mother, father, sister, or brother, perhaps even your child struggles daily with this condition. Characterized by an inability to focus, social turmoil, and general disorganization, there are many ways to help manage ADHD in children and adults. For best results, it is recommended to connect with a group that specializes in ADHD support:
1. Follow an ADHD recommended diet
The food and beverages that we consume daily play a significant factor in managing ADHD diet. Foods such as cheese, nuts, beans, and eggs feed the brain and work with medications prescribed by the physician. Foods that are rich in omega 3’s such as flaxseed have been known to boost brain performance and can easily be added to the ADHD diet when found in muffins or bread. Complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, and wheat bread control blood sugar spikes that frequently occur in individuals with ADHD.
2. Rest the body and mind
Another way to manage ADHD treatments is by allowing the body to get plenty of rest. For a person with ADHD, this could prove to be rather tricky as they experience difficulty getting the mind to shut down after a busy day. Before shutting down for the night, an excellent way to relax the soul is to practice scheduled quiet reading time each night at the same time or listen to soft, quiet music while practicing a breathing routine. Taking a warm shower after a long day also helps to relax tired muscles and free tensions from the mind. Sticking to an everyday routine ensures that natural ADHD treatment schedule is in effect, providing better results.
3. Lifestyle changes
Individuals with ADHD have a challenging time managing daily activities. Things that seem routine and reasonable to many people are often overwhelming to many who struggle with ADHD. Some tips to help everyday life run smoother include getting ready for the next morning before heading to bed, for instance:
- Write daily tasks on a brightly colored piece of paper and set it with other items needed for the day. The bright paper is easily seen and will capture attention.
- House cleaning is another task that is sometimes overwhelming for those with ADHD. Instead of cleaning the entire house in one day, select days for specific tasks throughout the week, for example, dust on Monday, sweep and mop on Tuesday, vacuum on Wednesday and organize rooms on alternating days.
- Socialization is yet another area that many people with ADHD struggle with. The overstimulated mind has a way of taking over thought processes. To help prevent blurting out random thoughts, professionals suggest repeating a favorite phrase silently before speaking. This method allows a person to consider what is said before actually speaking. Another way to control verbal outbursts is by playing with an item tucked in a pocket. Tinkering with the object also delays an eruption while also calming the mind.
4. Finding support
ADHD is a daily struggle for many, with supportive friends and family; a healthy life is possible. To live a quality life, it physicians advise that individuals seek out groups designed for ADHD support. These groups create new friendships and offer an avenue of understanding and provide new tips for ADHD treatments.