Popular Unhealthy Snack for Kids
Kids love eating snacks. They can be a great way to boost the nutrition that your child gets every day, however, if left up to them, kids often don’t make the healthiest choices. When we’re in a hurry we often turn to prepackaged snacks because they are easy and almost every child, including picky eaters, loves them. Yet, many of these snacks are filled with sugar and empty calories rather than being nutritious. Here are some of the most popular snacks for children to avoid: 1. Juice boxes This is one of the most unhealthy kids snacks to avoid. While they are easy and convenient there are high amounts of hidden sugars in most juice boxes. Many pediatricians recommend that children under the age of one never be given juice. This is because of the high amounts of sugar they contain. Rather than packing a juice box in your children’s lunch or in the car, try switching to water or a more healthy alternative, like sparkling water with natural flavor. 2. Pre-packaged lunch packs Every parent knows that it is much easier to grab a pre-packaged lunch for their child than it is to wake up early and make a full sandwich, snacks, and drinks.
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