A brief introduction to the genres of film, music, and books
People need different sources of entertainment and recreation to refresh their minds. Film, music & books are the essential tools of entertainment for most of the population. The demand for these will never cease. Rather, creators are finding innovative ways to cater to the increasing demands of a diverse audience.
In this context, some of the popular genres of these channels of entertainment have been discussed comprehensively.
Various categories of movies
Filmmakers create movies in different genres to cater to the demands of diverse audiences.
- Science fiction
Sci-fi movies entail stories surrounding imaginative aliens, planets, and heroes. A lot of times, sci-fi movies are futuristic in nature. People who possess a knack for science and its evolution show a keen interest in these films.
- Action
Action movies show battles and fights. These are usually high budget movies that require professionals stuntmen for performing physical stunts.
- Comedy
Comedy movies have a humorous script, and the actors have to portray their characters in a light-hearted manner. Its subgenre, dark comedy, is meant for adults.
Genres of music
The rhythm and melody of music can refresh human minds, regardless of whether they understand music in an in-depth manner.
- Rock
Rock songs are characterized by intense beats and rhythms. Although it was developed using string instruments, today, various other modern musical instruments are used in this genre. It has always in vogue among the youth.
- Jazz
While films, music & books have been evolving over the decades, jazz continues to remain a popular genre. It originated among the African-American population of New Orleans. It is characterized by notes sung in baritone vocals with musical improvisation.
- Electronic dance music
Electronic dance music is created by DJs. They add extra tunes and layers to the original piece of music. It is common to hear this genre of music in dance clubs and discos.
Genres of books
Film, music & books can be sources of knowledge as well as entertainment. Books, particularly, are known for imparting valuable knowledge to readers, but they can also be used to refresh the mind.
- Prose
Prose comprises of short stories and novels focused on characters and plots. It is the most common genre in literature and is meant for both academic learning and pastime reading.
- Nonfiction
These books serve the purpose of imparting knowledge to readers. Nonfictions books are factual in nature and provide useful information. Travel books, newspapers, and historical books are popular examples of this genre.
- Comic books
Comic books are entertaining and fun to read. The content of most comics is adventurous and enriching. So, they are suitable for children as well as adults. Imaginative plots of these books trigger creativity and abstract thinking in kids.
These sources of recreation can also be used to raise awareness and knowledge in various subjects. So, whatever your interests are, you’re sure to find a film, book or musical genre to interest you.