7 Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat
Feeding your dog human food can cause significant health concerns for your pet. Dogs have different metabolisms than humans, which makes digesting some foods difficult. The following list examines seven toxic foods that your dog should not consume:
1. Coffee and tea
Coffee and tea are each popular beverages that many of us drink for energy, but these caffeinated drinks are not safe for a dog to consume. In fact, Fido shouldn’t consume caffeine of any type. Caffeine can speed up a dog’s heart rate, case and increase anxiety and cause symptoms including vomiting, loss of urine control, restlessness, excess thirst, and others.
2. Avocados
Avocados contain persin, a toxin for dogs. Avoid serving your pooch avocados or any foods that contain the fruit. Even small amounts of avocado can endanger your dog. Persin accumulates in the dog’s heart and lungs, which causes difficulty breathing among other problems.
3. Grapes and raisins
Dogs often enjoy the taste of grapes and raisins, but they’re very dangerous for them to eat. Along with a risk of choking on the small, round fruits, they contain unknown toxins known to cause illness and even death in animals. Tons of treats are sold at the pet food store designed for Fido. Offer him a treat instead.
4. Alcohol
Alcohol is found in a variety of products, any of which can harm your dog if consumed. Beer wine, liquor, mouth wash, and more contain alcohol that can hurt your pet. Although humans can safely tolerate alcohol in moderation, even small amounts of the substance are harmful to pets. Seizures, lung failure, and coma are potential consequences of a dog consuming alcohol.
5 .Chocolate
Eating chocolate makes dogs sick. Veterinarians across the U.S. see an influx of calls from worried pet owners during holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day when chocolates are especially popular. Humans love chocolate and while dogs eagerly munch it up, they do so without knowledge of the possible risks. Avoid offering chocolate to your pet in any capacity. Doing so may cause a long range of problems, up to and including death.
6. Salt
Salt may not cause your pet any serious problems when consumed in small amounts, but it’s best to avoid the risks altogether. Too much salt is dangerous for humans and for pets. Salt poisoning and water deprivation are possible outcomes of a dog consuming too much salt.
7. Raw or undercooked meat
Symptoms of pet toxicity often occur when dogs eat undercooked or raw meat. E Coli, salmonella, and other types of bacteria may exist in raw/undercooked meat, which can cause a myriad of consequences for your pet. Since meat also contains toxins that may affect a dog’s skin, avoid offering this undercooked food to your pet.