6 Harmful Foods for Cats
There is this misconception that cats can eat human food. While some human foods may be safe to feed kitty in tiny amounts, there are several foods that can cause cats adverse health reactions, feline toxicity, and even death after consumption, such as:
1. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic contain thiosulphate, which is a chemical compound that can cause serious harm to cats. When eaten in excess, this chemical compound causes hemolytic anemia, which is a condition that is highly associated with the destruction of red blood cells. As you give your cat some chicken broth, which is highly advised, make sure you have removed all the onions and garlic to avoid this problem.
2. Chocolate
Most people already know that chocolate is toxic to dogs. However, if you want to avoid feline toxicity, you must keep chocolate away from your cat. Even the tiniest bits of chocolate have been known to cause heart failure, breathing troubles, blood pressure dropping, and diarrhea, among others. Research shows that the darker chocolates, which contain more cocoa, are the most toxic.
3. Grapes, raisins, and currants
Most of the fruits out there in the world have been known to cause kidney failure to both cats and dogs. This is one of the most dangerous diseases, and it could lead to drastic death before you can have your cat checked by your next-door vet. Currants, raisins, and grapes are some of the common fruits in the house, and it would be better if you can keep them away from your cat.
4. Caffeine
As you get the hot cup of coffee every morning to wake your sleeping organs, avoid doing the same to your cat. You could end up doing more harm than good. Caffeine, for many years, has been known to be very harmful to cats. Some of the commonly known effects of caffeine on cats include seizures, breathing difficulties, tremors, increased heart rate, and hyperactivity.
5. Raw meat and bones
You might be tempted to give your cat some raw meat just because the wild cat eats raw meat. In as much as they are from the same species, most of the domesticated cats have shown significant harmful health conditions after eating raw meat and bones. In most cases, the adverse effects result from bacteria such as Salmonella and other parasites such as tapeworms and Toxoplasma.
6. Raw eggs
Raw eggs also have Salmonella risks, which mean that your cat will end up developing some complex health conditions. However, the real threat in raw eggs is in egg whites complex called avidin. This is a protein complex that affects the absorption of various vitamins in the body. However, cooking eggs denatures the protein-making the egg suitable for consumption.
7. Raw dough
You may not necessarily give your cat raw dough, but they can take when you are not looking. Always pay attention to cats when preparing dough because the presence of yeast in dough can have devastating impacts on your cat. The gas produced by yeast in the stomach of the cat can lead to digestive obstruction, which, in minimum case, requires surgery.